


Displays the about box.

Default key mapping: None


Sets or modifies an alias. See Aliases.

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a regular expression and aligns the first occurrence of the specified regular expression in each line of the selected region.

For example, suppose you start with a region that looks like this:

        private static final int STATE_VARIABLE = STATE_LAST + 1;
        private static final int STATE_HERE_DOCUMENT = STATE_LAST + 2;
        private static final int STATE_POD = STATE_LAST + 3;
        private static final int STATE_REGEXP_DELIMITER = STATE_LAST + 4;
        private static final int STATE_REGEXP = STATE_LAST + 5;
        private static final int STATE_SUBST = STATE_LAST + 6;
If you specify "=" as the regular expression, alignStrings will reformat the region like this:
        private static final int STATE_VARIABLE         = STATE_LAST + 1;
        private static final int STATE_HERE_DOCUMENT    = STATE_LAST + 2;
        private static final int STATE_POD              = STATE_LAST + 3;
        private static final int STATE_REGEXP_DELIMITER = STATE_LAST + 4;
        private static final int STATE_REGEXP           = STATE_LAST + 5;
        private static final int STATE_SUBST            = STATE_LAST + 6;

Default key mapping: None


Displays a list of commands and preferences that contain a specified pattern.

Default key mapping: None


Opens the file at the location of the caret or mouse click.

Default key mapping: Enter, Ctrl Shift G, Double Mouse-1, or Mouse-2 in Archive mode


Attaches a file to the message in the current mail composition buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Mail


If a region is marked, deletes it. Otherwise, deletes the character to the left of the caret.

Default key mapping: Backspace, Shift Backspace


Moves backward across one balanced syntactic expression, if possible.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt B in Lisp mode

See also: forwardSexp, downList, backwardUpList


Moves the caret backward out of one level of parentheses.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt U in Lisp mode

See also: downList, forwardSexp, backwardSexp


Reloads the current buffer in binary mode.

Default key mapping: None

See also: defaultMode


Moves to the beginning of the buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Home


Moves the caret to the beginning of the line.

Default key mapping: None


Moves the caret to the bottom line of the display, keeping it in the same column.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Page Down


Resends the current message to one or more specified addresses.

Default key mapping: 'b' in message buffers

See also: Mail


Uses the default browser to view the file at the location of the caret.

For this command to work, you need to specify the properties browser and (optionally) browserOpts in your preferences file.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift B


This command is available in mail composition buffers when you're replying to a message. It adds all of the recipients of the original message to the "Cc:" header of your reply, just as if you had initiated the reply with messageReplyToGroup instead of messageReplyToSender.

Default key mapping: None


Centers the current function vertically in the edit window.

Default key mapping: None


Runs diff to show the unsaved changes to the current buffer (if any). In the resulting output buffer, you can use diffGotoFile, mapped by default to Enter, to jump to the location of a particular change.

Because it uses diff, this command will not work unless diff is installed and in your path, which is more likely to be the case on Unix than on Windows.

Default key mapping: None


Examines all the lines in the current buffer that start with "#include" and reports which included files can't be found in your include path (or in the current directory, if the filename is enclosed in quotes rather than in angle brackets). This command also recursively checks all the included files that it can find, and reports which (if any) of the files included by those files can't be found.

Default key mapping: None

See also: includePath, listIncludes, iList


Prompts for a register name and erases the contents of the specified register.

Register names must be lower case letters (a-z). The contents of registers persist automatically from one j session to the next.

Default key mapping: None

See also: editRegister, insertRegister, listRegisters, saveToRegister


Closes all open buffers, leaving a directory buffer looking at the current directory.

Default key mapping: None

See also: closeOthers


Closes all open buffers except the current one.

Default key mapping: None


Inserts a closing parenthesis and briefly moves the caret to the matching opening parenthesis.

Default key mapping: ')' in Java mode


Comments out each line in the selected region, or the current line if no region is selected.

Default key mapping: F11

See also: uncommentRegion


Compiles the source file in the current buffer. You will be prompted for the compile command. (On Windows, this command is only supported for Windows NT 4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.)

Default key mapping:

See also: recompile, Compilation Buffers


Opens a new mail composition buffer.

Default key mapping: 'c' in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Appends the selected region (or the current line if no region is selected) to last entry in the kill ring.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift C

See also: copyRegion, killAppend


In web mode, copies to the kill ring (and to the system clipboard) the link at the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: None


In directory buffers, copies to the kill ring (and to the system clipboard) the full pathname of the file on the line containing the caret.

Default key mapping: None


Copies the contents of the selected region (or the current line if no region is selected). For normal regions, the copied text is placed in the kill ring. If the selected region is a column, the text is saved but not placed in the kill ring; it can be retrieved with the command pasteColumn.

Default key mapping: Ctrl C

See also: copyAppend, killRegion, paste, Columns


In XML mode, copies to the kill ring (and to the system clipboard) the path of the element at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: None


If the caret is on a line that starts with #if, #else, #elif or #endif, finds the matching expression. Otherwise, finds the match of the brace, parenthesis or bracket at the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl M in C++ mode


Executes an arbitrary CVS command. The CVS command, together with any required flags, must be supplied as an argument. The name of the file associated with the current buffer is automatically appended to the command line, unless the argument you supply begins with "-H". For example:

        cvs status -v


        cvs -H admin

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Adds the file associated with the current buffer to CVS. The file is not actually placed in the CVS repository until you use cvsCommit to make the change permanent.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a checkin buffer in which you can compose a CVS checkin comment for the file associated with the current buffer.

When your comment is ready, you can use the command finish, mapped by default to Ctrl Enter in the checkin buffer, to complete the checkin operation.

The file associated with the current buffer must already have been registered with CVS using cvsAdd or the CVS "add" command.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a diff output buffer showing the changes between the checked-in version of the file associated with the current buffer and your local copy.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a diff output buffer showing the changes between the checked-in version and your local copy for all the files in the current directory and its subdirectories.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the CVS "log" command on the file associated with the current buffer. The output is displayed in a transient output buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Cycles through the most plausible possibilities for the indent size of the current buffer (2, 4 and 8 spaces). The value that is currently in effect is shown in the status bar.

If you use cycleIndentSize to set the indent size, j will try to remember the setting the next time you open the same file.

Default key mapping: Alt I in most programming modes


If the last command to be executed was not paste or cyclePaste, cyclePaste does exactly the same thing as paste.

If the last command to be executed was paste or cyclePaste, cyclePaste fetches the next item from the kill ring and inserts it in place of the text inserted by the last paste or cyclePaste.

What this means in practice is that you can invoke cyclePaste repeatedly to cycle through the contents of the kill ring, stopping when you see that the text you want has been inserted. If you can't find what you want and would like to cancel the operation, use undo.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift V


Cycles through the most plausible possibilities for the tab width of the current buffer (2, 4 and 8 spaces). The value that is currently in effect is shown in the status bar.

This is intended to be a quick way to figure out the proper tab width to use when you've loaded a file for the first time and the indentation looks goofy. Just press Alt T repeatedly until things look right. Of course that may not happen; bear in mind that cycleTabWidth only considers the three most common possibilities.

If you use cycleTabWidth to set the tab width, j will try to remember the setting the next time you open the same file.

Default key mapping: Alt T


Executes an arbitrary darcs command. The darcs command, together with any required flags, must be supplied as an argument. The name of the file associated with the current buffer is automatically appended to the command line if the command is "whatsnew" or "w". The darcs command is run in the directory of the current editor.

Default key mapping: None


Base 64 decodes the selected region (or the line containing the caret if no region is selected). If the resulting output is text, it is displayed in a new buffer; otherwise, you are prompted for a filename and the output is saved in the specified file.

Default key mapping: None


Reloads the current buffer in its default mode.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt B in binary mode

See also: binaryMode


Discards all custom key mappings and returns to j's internal defaults.

Default key mapping: None

See also: reloadKeyMaps, Key Mappings


If a region is marked, deletes it. Otherwise, deletes the character at the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Delete


Replaces tab characters in the selected region with the appropriate number of spaces, based on the tab width of the buffer. Buffer-specific settings such as tabWidth may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties).

Default key mapping: None

See also: entabRegion


Deletes the word to the left of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Backspace

See also: killWordLeft


Deletes the word to the right of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Delete

See also: killWordRight


In a Lisp shell, runs 'cl:describe' on the symbol under the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt D in Lisp shell mode


Displays a list of the key bindings that are in effect in the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None


Displays information about the command mapped to a particular key or key combination.

Default key mapping: Alt K


Runs diff with the supplied arguments and presents the output in a diff output buffer.

When constructing the command line, you can use "%" as a dynamic alias for the file associated with the current buffer. For example:

        diff -ub % ~/backup
If you don't explicitly specify any command line switches (e.g. "-ub", "-c", "--normal"), j will run "diff -u".

If no arguments are provided, this command diffs the file associated with the current buffer against its patchMode backup file (if it exists).

Because it uses diff, this command will not work unless diff is installed and in your path, which is more likely to be the case on Unix than on Windows.

Default key mapping: None

See also: changes


Jumps to the location in the source buffer corresponding to the current line in the diff output buffer.

Default key mapping: Enter, Ctrl Shift G, Double Mouse-1, or Mouse-2 in Diff mode

See also: changes


Opens a directory buffer on the current directory. The current directory is normally the parent directory of the file that is open in the current editor window.

Default key mapping: Ctrl D

See also: Directory Buffers.


Changes to the previous directory in the history list for the current directory buffer.

Default key mapping: 'b' in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Uses the default browser to view the file at the location of the caret.

For this command to work, you need to specify the properties browser and (optionally) browserOpts in your preferences file.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift B in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Copies the file at the current location of the caret to a specified destination. You can specify either a filename or a directory as the destination.

Default key mapping: 'c' in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Cycles through the possibilities (name, date, size) for the sort order of the directory listing. The sort order that is currently in effect is displayed in the title bar of the editor window.

Default key mapping: Ctrl S in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Deletes the marked files, or, if no files are marked, deletes the file at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Delete in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Prompts for a shell command and executes the specified command on all the marked files in the current directory buffer.

If no files are marked, the command is executed on the file at the current location of the caret.

If the command string contains '*', the command runs once, with the list of marked files in place of the '*'. The order of the list is the order of appearance in the directory buffer.

If the command string does not contain '*', the command runs separately for each file, with the file name added at the end of the command string.

In all cases, the command is executed in the current directory (the directory displayed in the directory buffer).

Default key mapping: '!' in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Changes to the next directory in the history list for the current directory buffer.

Default key mapping: 'f' in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Copies the remote file at the current location of the caret to a specified destination on the local machine. You can specify either a filename or a directory as the destination.

Default key mapping: G in remote directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


If the caret is to the right of the first character of the filename on the current line, moves the caret to the first character of the filename. Otherwise, moves the caret to the beginning of the line.

Default key mapping: Home in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


If the current buffer is a directory buffer, changes to the home directory of the current user. Otherwise, finds an existing directory buffer or opens a new one on the home directory of the current user.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Directory Buffers.


Moves the file at the current location of the caret to a specified destination. You can specify either a filename or a directory as the destination.

Default key mapping: 'm' in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Opens the file or directory at the location of the caret or mouse click in a directory buffer.

Default key mapping: Enter, Ctrl Shift G, Double Mouse-1, or Mouse-2 in directory buffers

See also: dirOpenFileAndKillDirectory, Directory Buffers.


Opens the file or directory at the location of the caret or mouse click in a directory buffer and then closes the directory buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Enter in directory buffers

See also: dirOpenFile, Directory Buffers.


Refreshes the directory listing for the current directory buffer and rescans the directory tree.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Directory Buffers.


Sets a limit pattern (something like "*.java") to control what files are displayed in the directory listing. Entering a blank string removes the limit, so that all files are displayed.

Default key mapping: 'l' in directory buffers.

See also: dirUnlimit, Directory Buffers.


Tags or untags the file at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: 't' in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Removes any limit pattern that may be in effect for the current directory buffer, so that all files are displayed.

Default key mapping: 'L' in directory buffers.

See also: dirUnlimit, Directory Buffers.


Navigates to the parent of the current directory.

Default key mapping: 'u' and Backspace in directory buffers

See also: Directory Buffers.


Prompts for a shell command and then executes that command, using the selected region as input. The contents of the selected region are replaced by the output of the command. If an error occurs, you can use undo to restore the previous contents.

doShellCommandOnRegion is an experimental command, not enabled by default. On Windows, you need to have the Cygwin tools installed, and sh.exe must be in your path.

Default key mapping: None


Moves the caret down one line.

Default key mapping: Down arrow


Moves forward down one level of parentheses.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt D in Lisp mode

See also: backwardUpList, forwardSexp, backwardSexp


Drops a numbered bookmark at the location of the caret in the current buffer. By default, dropBookmark is mapped to the ten keystrokes Alt 0 through Alt 9, and gotoBookmark is mapped by default to the ten keystrokes Ctrl 0 through Ctrl 9. When you drop a bookmark with Alt n, you can return to it with Ctrl n. It's possible to unmap these keystrokes or map other commands to them, but the current implementation of dropBookmark and gotoBookmark only works with these key mappings.

You can still return to a bookmark even if the buffer it refers to has been closed (in that case the buffer will be re-opened in the current frame), but bookmarks are not retained from one session to the next.

Default key mapping: Alt 0 through Alt 9 (bookmarks 0-9)

See also: gotoBookmark, selectToMarker, dropTemporaryMarker


Drops a temporary marker at the location of the caret in the current buffer.

You can use gotoTemporaryMarker, mapped by default to Ctrl \, to return to the location of the temporary marker.

This command recycles the same temporary marker for each subsequent use, so you can only have one temporary marker at a time.

Default key mapping: Alt \

See also: dropBookmark, gotoTemporaryMarker, selectToTemporaryMarker


Opens the preferences file for editing.

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a register name and opens a buffer so you can edit the contents of the specified register.

Register names must be lower case letters (a-z). The contents of registers persist automatically from one j session to the next.

Default key mapping: None

See also: clearRegister, insertRegister, listRegisters, saveToRegister


Inserts '>' and, if the property autoIndent is true, re-indents the current line according to context.

Default key mapping: '>' in HTML and XML modes


Inserts '}' and re-indents the current line according to context. If the property autoNewline is true, also inserts a line separator and moves the caret to the appropriate column on the new line.

Default key mapping: '}' in Java, JavaScript, C and C++ modes

See also: electricOpenBrace


Inserts ')' and evaluates the sexp in the lisp shell if complete.

You can add this to your init.lisp with:

(map-key-for-mode ")" "electricCloseParen" "Lisp Shell")

Default key mapping: None.


Inserts a colon at the current location of the caret and re-indents the current line according to context. If the property autoNewline is true, also inserts a line separator and moves the caret to the appropriate column on the new line.

Default key mapping: ':' in Java mode


Inserts '{' and re-indents the current line according to context. If the property autoNewline is true, also inserts a line separator and moves the caret to the appropriate column on the new line.

Default key mapping: '{' in Java, JavaScript, C and C++ modes

See also: electricCloseBrace


Inserts a '#' character at the current location of the caret. If the line contains only whitespace, the '#' will be forced into the first column.

Default key mapping: '#' in C and C++ modes


Inserts a pair of '"' characters at the current location of the caret and places the caret between them. If the cursor is on a '"' character, a newline will be inserted and the caret will be indented according to the context.

Default key mapping: Ctrl " in Lisp mode


Inserts a semicolon at the current location of the caret and re-indents the current line according to context. If the property autoNewline is true, also inserts a line separator and moves the caret to the appropriate column on the new line.

Default key mapping: ';' in Java, JavaScript, C and C++ modes


Inserts '*' at the current location of the caret and, if the current line is otherwise blank, re-indents the line according to context.

Default key mapping: '*' in Java, JavaScript, C and C++ modes


Moves the caret to the end of the current line.

If the preference extendEnd is true, invoking end repeatedly in quick sequence triggers special behavior after the caret reaches the end of the current line: the caret is first moved to the bottom of the edit window, and then to the end of the buffer. There is a one-second timeout on this operation, meaning that if one second elapses between invocations of end, the second invocation is viewed as an independent event rather than a repetition of the first, and the special behavior is not triggered.

Default key mapping: End

See also: home


Stop recording keystrokes.

Default key mapping: None

See also: startMacro, recordMacro, playbackMacro


Grows the current split window by a line.

Default key mapping: None

See also: shrinkWindowIfLargerThanBuffer


Replaces spaces with tab characters in the selected region, based on the tab width of the buffer. Buffer-specific settings such as tabWidth may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties).

Default key mapping: None

See also: detabRegion


Moves the caret to the end of the buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl End


Moves the caret to the end of the line.

Default key mapping: None


Sends the definition at the location of the caret in a Lisp source buffer to the active Lisp shell for evaluation.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt E in Lisp mode

See also: evalRegionLisp


Sends the selected region in a Lisp source buffer to the active Lisp shell for evaluation.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt R in Lisp mode

See also: evalDefunLisp


Escapes from the last operation.

More specifically, closes the most recently visited transient buffer (and possibly unsplits the window). Transient buffers include help buffers, list occurrencess buffers, and compilation buffers.

If no transient buffer is currently displayed, clears the selection (if any) in the current buffer.

Otherwise, cancels any background process associated with the current buffer.

Each invocation of escape does at most one thing.

Default key mapping: Escape


Executes an editor command by name. The "Command:" textfield in the location bar supports both history (using the up and down arrow keys) and completion (using Tab and Shift Tab).

Some commands (for example, insertString, help, jdkHelp, and source) require or accept an argument (which in the current implementation is always a string). Such commands can be entered like this:

        insertString this is a test
or like this:
        insertString("this is a test")
Default key mapping: Alt x


Replaces the text to the left of the caret with a word in the current buffer for which that text is a prefix.

The expand command takes the sequence of characters you've just typed (more precisely, the sequence of characters that are legal in a Java identifier, beginning immediately to the left of the caret), looks through the entire buffer for words (i.e. legal Java identifiers) that have the sequence in question as a prefix, and replaces the sequence of characters with the first match it finds.

If you don't like that particular replacement, you can hit Alt Space (or Alt /) again (and again and again) to cycle through all the possible replacements. If you don't like any of the replacements, you can use undo, mapped by default to Ctrl Z, or escape, mapped by default to Escape, at any point, and get back where you started.

In the header area of a mail composition buffer, expand looks for completions in the global address book, rather than in the text of the buffer, so you can use it to auto-complete mail addresses.

This functionality is also available in all of j's textfields (both in dialog boxes and in the location bar), with the same default key mappings. In a textfield, the expansion text is taken from the current buffer, and the expansion can be cancelled by pressing Escape.

Default key mapping: Alt Space (except on Windows), Alt /


Prompts for a pattern and finds the next occurrence of the specified pattern in the current buffer.

The search is case-insensitive if the "Ignore case" checkbox is checked.

If the "Whole words only" checkbox is checked, a match is returned only if it is both preceded and followed by a non-word character (i.e. a character not legal in an identifier, based on the mode of the buffer).

If the "Regular expression" checkbox is checked, the pattern is interpreted as a regular expression rather than as a simple string.

If the "Multiline pattern" checkbox is checked, the regular expression can contain newline characters ("\n"). Because of the way j handles things internally, a single "\n" should be used to match a newline even if the file being edited uses "\r\n" or "\r" as its line separator string. (The "Multiline pattern" feature is experimental and is not enabled by default.)

If the "List occurrences" checkbox is checked, all lines in the current buffer that match the specified pattern are listed.

If the "Search from start of document" checkbox is checked, the search begins at the start of the document. Otherwise, the search begins at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl F, Alt F3

Note: If you set useIncrementalFind to true in your preferences file, incrementalFind will be mapped by default to Ctrl F.


Finds the first occurrence in the current buffer of the word at the current location of the caret.

The search is case-sensitive and is carried out as if the "whole words only" option was specified.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt Up

See also: findNextWord, findPrevWord


Prompts for a pattern and a file specification and generates a list of all occurrences of the specified pattern in files matching the file specification.

Several file specifications can be supplied at once, separated by semicolons. If the full path is not given in a file specification, the current directory or the directory last specified by a full path is used.

For example, if the file specification is *.c;/usr/src/emacs-20.3/src/*.c;*.h, the search will examine .c files in the current directory and .c and .h files in /usr/src/emacs-20.3/src.

If the "Default excludes" checkbox is checked, the search will ignore files that match the filenameCompletionsExcludePattern.

The search is case-insensitive if the "Ignore case" checkbox is checked.

When the "Whole words only" checkbox is checked, a match is returned only if it is both preceded and followed by a non-word character (i.e. a character not legal in an identifier in the specified mode).

If the "Regular expression" checkbox is checked, the pattern is interpreted as a regular expression rather than as a simple string.

If the "Include subdirectories" checkbox is checked, the search examines files in any subdirectories of directories in the file specification. For example, if the file specification is /usr/src/linux/*.c, the search will examine .c files in /usr/src/linux and all of its subdirectories.

If the "Search files in memory" checkbox is checked, if a file matching the file specification is currently loaded in a buffer, the contents of the buffer will be searched rather than the file as last saved on disk, so unsaved changes to the buffer will be taken into account.

You can use the command escape, mapped by default to Escape, to cancel a search in progress.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift F, F6

See also: listFiles


Finds the match of the brace, parenthesis or bracket at the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl M


Finds the next match in the current search (initiated by find, incrementalFind, findNextWord or findPrevWord).

Default key mapping: F3, Ctrl G


Finds the next occurrence in the current buffer of the word at the current location of the caret.

The search is case-sensitive and is carried out as if the "whole words only" option was specified.

Default key mapping: Alt Down

See also: findFirstOccurrence, findPrevWord


Jumps to the source line that corresponds to the current line in a List Occurrences buffer.

Default key mapping: Enter or Ctrl Shift G in List Occurrences buffers

See also: findOccurrenceAtDotAndKillList, mouseFindOccurrence


Jumps to the source line that corresponds to the current line in a List Occurrences buffer, and closes the List Occurrences buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Enter in List Occurrences buffers

See also: findOccurrenceAtDot, mouseFindOccurrence


Finds the previous match in the current search (initiated by find, incrementalFind, findNextWord or findPrevWord).

Default key mapping: Shift F3, Ctrl H


Finds the previous occurrence in the current buffer of the word at the current location of the caret.

The search is case-sensitive and is carried out as if the "whole words only" option was specified.

Default key mapping: Alt Up

See also: findFirstOccurrence, findNextWord


Prompts for a tag (generally speaking, a tag is a function name) and moves the caret to the definition of the specified function. The current location of the caret is first saved on the marker stack as a temporary bookmark, so you can use popPosition, mapped by default to Shift F5, to get back where you came from.

Default key mapping: Ctrl T

See also: findTagAtDot, findTagAtDotOtherWindow, mouseFindTag


Jumps to the definition of the function at the current location of the caret. The current location of the caret is first saved on the marker stack as a temporary bookmark, so you can use popPosition, mapped by default to Shift F5, to get back where you came from.

Default key mapping: Alt . (Alt dot) in Java, C, C++, Lisp, Scheme and Perl modes

See also: findTag, findTagAtDotOtherWindow, mouseFindTag


Jumps to the definition of the function at the current location of the caret, using the other window (splitting the current window if necessary). Keyboard focus stays in the original window.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt . (Ctrl Alt dot) in Java mode and its derivatives

See also: findTag, findTagAtDot, mouseFindTag


Completes the version control checkin operation, using the contents of the current buffer as the checkin comment. This command is only available in checkin buffers.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Enter in checkin buffers

See also: Version Control Systems


Creates a fold at (or near) the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl [ in Java, C, C++ and Perl modes

See also: foldMethods, unfold, unfoldAll


Folds all the methods in the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: fold, foldRegion, unfold, unfoldAll


Folds the marked region. The region in question must consist of full lines; in other words, both dot and mark must be in column 1.

Default key mapping: None

See also: fold, foldMethods, unfold, unfoldAll


Moves forward across one balanced syntactic expression, if possible.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt F in Lisp mode

See also: backwardSexp, downList, backwardUpList


Returns to a previously dropped numbered bookmark. By default, dropBookmark is mapped to the ten keystrokes Alt 0 through Alt 9, and gotoBookmark is mapped by default to the ten keystrokes Ctrl 0 through Ctrl 9. When you drop a bookmark with Alt n, you can return to it with Ctrl n. It's possible to unmap these keystrokes or map other commands to them, but the current implementation of dropBookmark and gotoBookmark only works with these key mappings.

You can still return to a bookmark even if the buffer it refers to has been closed (in that case the buffer will be re-opened in the current frame), but bookmarks are not retained from one session to the next.

Default key mapping: Ctrl 0 through Ctrl 9 (bookmarks 0-9)

See also: dropBookmark, selectToMarker,


Opens the file at the location of the caret or mouse click.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift G (global), Mouse-2 (shell buffers)


Returns to a previously dropped temporary marker.

Default key mapping: Ctrl \

See also: dropTemporaryMarker, selectToTemporaryMarker


Displays help.

For this command to work, you may need to set the docPath property in your preferences file to point to the directory containing the documentation:

For Windows, you'll need to use double backslashes, like this:
If you use executeCommand to invoke help, you can specify the command you want help on at the same time:
        help executeCommand
Default key mapping: F1

See also: executeCommand


Moves the caret to the beginning of the text on the current line, if the caret is to the right of that location to begin with. If the caret is already at the beginning of the text on the current line or in the whitespace to the left of the text, home moves the caret to column 1 on the same line.

If the preference extendHome is true, invoking home repeatedly in quick sequence triggers special behavior after the caret reaches column 1 on the current line: the caret is then moved to the top left corner of the edit window, and then to the beginning of the buffer. There is a one-second timeout on this operation, meaning that if one second elapses between invocations of home, the second invocation is viewed as an independent event rather than a repetition of the first, and the special behavior is not triggered.

extendHome is false by default.

Default key mapping: Home

See also: end


Inserts an HTML bold tag ("<B>") before the selected text (or before the location of the caret, if there's no selection) and an HTML end tag ("</B>") after the selected text (or after the location of the caret).

The case of the inserted tags is controlled by the property HtmlMode.upperCaseTagNames, which is true by default.

Default key mapping: Ctrl B in HTML mode

See also: htmlInsertTag


Inserts '=' at the current location of the caret.

In HTML mode, if the property attributesRequireQuotes is true, and if the '=' immediately follows an attribute name, and if the character following the '=' is either whitespace or '>', this command inserts a pair of double quotation marks after the '=' and positions the caret between the quotation marks.

The effect of this is to make it possible to enclose attribute values in quotation marks without having to type the quotation marks themselves.

Default key mapping: '=' in HTML mode

See also: xmlElectricEquals


Inserts an empty HTML end tag, with the caret positioned after the opening "</".

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift .


Finds the match to the HTML tag at the location of the caret. Nested tags are handled correctly.

Default key mapping: Ctrl M in HTML mode


Inserts the HTML end tag corresponding to the last HTML start tag before the location of the caret. Nested tags are not currently supported.

Default key mapping: Ctrl E in HTML mode


Inserts an HTML start tag and (if appropriate) the corresponding end tag, enclosing the current selection. If no selection is marked, the start and end tags will enclose the word at the current location of the caret, if any.

If the property HtmlMode.fixCase is true, the tag name will be converted to the preferred case (as specified by HtmlMode.upperCaseTagNames when it is inserted in the buffer.

J will normally insert an end tag unless it is forbidden. You can customize this behavior by supply a tag customization file; see HtmlMode.tags.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift , (Ctrl Shift comma) in HTML mode


Inserts an empty HTML start tag, with the caret positioned after the opening angle bracket.

Default key mapping: None


Displays the request and response headers for the current HTTP buffer.

Default key mapping: None


Displays the Common Lisp HyperSpec documentation for the symbol at the current location of the caret.

The documentation is displayed in another window, splitting the current window if necessary. This transient window can be dismissed using escape, mapped by default to Escape.

You can also invoke the hyperspec command with Alt X, giving the symbol name as an argument (e.g. Alt X, "hyperspec mapcar", or Alt X, "hs mapcar").

The Common Lisp HyperSpec is available here:

For this command to work, you may need to add a line to your preferences file specifying the location of the HyperSpec root directory on your system:

        clhsRoot = /usr/share/doc/hyperspec

Default key mapping: Alt F1 in Lisp mode

Abbreviations: hs, clhs

See also: clhsRoot


Lists all occurrences of the identifier at the location of the caret, both in the current buffer and in any files referenced by a "#include" directive in the current buffer, in the order in which they occur.

Default key mapping: Ctrl F6 in C and C++ modes

See also: includePath, checkPath, listIncludes


In Image mode, changes the background color of the image. Invoking this command repeatedly cycles through a small number of plausible background colors (currently gray, black and white).

Default key mapping: 'c' in Image mode


Scales the image to fit the current display window. The aspect ratio of the original image is preserved.

Default key mapping: 'f' in Image mode

See also: imageRestore, imageZoomIn, imageZoomOut


Restores the image to its original size.

Default key mapping: 'r' in Image mode

See also: imageFit, imageZoomIn, imageZoomOut


Zoom in by a factor of 2.

Default key mapping: '=' in Image mode

See also: imageFit, imageRestore, imageZoomOut


Zoom out by a factor of 2.

Default key mapping: '-' in Image mode

See also: imageFit, imageRestore, imageZoomIn


Opens your default inbox.

To specify your default inbox, add a line like this to your preferences file:

        inbox = pop://peter@annie
or for IMAP:
        inbox = {peter@annie}inbox
Default key mapping: None

See also: openMailbox, Mail


Prompts for input and finds the string entered, as it is typed in.

The search is case-insensitive unless (or until) the pattern contains at least one upper case character.

In the incremental find textfield, any key combination mapped to incrementalFind or findNext can be used to search for the next occurrence of the current pattern, and any key combination mapped to findPrev can be used to search for the previous occurrence of the pattern. (By default, findNext is mapped to F3 and Ctrl G, and findPrev is mapped to Shift F3 and Ctrl H.)

Ctrl W can be used to copy text from the buffer into the search pattern. Ctrl W copies the text from the buffer starting at the current location of the caret up until the end of the current word (or the end of the next word, if the caret is already at the end of the current word).

Ctrl P and Ctrl N can be used to navigate through the history list of previously used search patterns.

If you invoke incrementalFind and then realize you'd rather use find instead, you can get there by simply pressing Enter (as long as the incremental find textfield is empty).

Default key mapping: None

Note: If you set useIncrementalFind to true in your preferences file, incrementalFind will be mapped by default to Ctrl F.


Applies j's idea of correct indentation to the current line.

Default key mapping: None

See also: indentRegion, indentLineOrRegion, indentLineFixWhitespace


Applies j's idea of correct indentation to the marked region, or, if no region is marked, the current line.

Default key mapping: None

See also: indentLine, indentRegion, indentLineFixWhitespace


Applies j's idea of correct indentation to the marked region.

Default key mapping: None

See also: indentLine, indentLineOrRegion, indentLineFixWhitespace


Inserts an opening brace followed by a closing brace, indented appropriately, leaving the caret positioned between them.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift [ in Java, JavaScript, C and C++ modes


Inserts the character that corresponds to the specified byte in the default encoding at the current location of the caret. The byte must be specified as a decimal, hexadecimal or octal number. A leading zero denotes an octal number; a leading "0x" or "0X" denotes a hexidecimal number; otherwise the number is assumed to be decimal.

Default key mapping: None


Inserts the specified Unicode character at the current location of the caret. The character must be specified as a decimal, hexidecimal or octal number. A leading zero denotes an octal number; a leading "0x" or "0X" denotes a hexidecimal number; otherwise the number is assumed to be decimal.

Default key mapping: None


Inserts the next key combination you type (which can be a single key like Enter or Backspace, or a combination like Ctrl Alt S) as a string (like "Enter" or "Backspace" or "Ctrl Alt S") at the location of the caret in the current buffer. The action mapped to the key combination in question (if any) is not performed. Useful for editing a custom key map. The inserted text is guaranteed (well, not guaranteed, exactly, but extremely likely) to be in a format recognizable by j's key map parser.

Default key mapping: None


If a region is selected, inserts parentheses around the selected region. Otherwise, inserts an opening parenthesis followed by a closing parenthesis, leaving the caret positioned between them.

If parensRequireSpaces is true, single space characters are added after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift ( in Java, JavaScript, C, C++, Lisp and Perl modes

See also: movePastCloseAndReindent


Prompts for a register name and inserts the contents of the selected register at the location of the caret in the current buffer.

Register names must be lower case letters (a-z). The contents of registers persist automatically from one j session to the next.

Default key mapping: None

Abbreviation: ir

See also: clearRegister, editRegister, listRegisters. saveToRegister


Requires a string argument. The supplied string argument is inserted in the current buffer at the location of the caret. Can be invoked using executeCommand or mapped to a key combination in a global or mode-specific key map.

For example:

        insertString("e.printStackTrace( );")
Default key mapping: None

See also: executeCommand


If useTabs is true for the current buffer, inserts a tab character at the location of the caret, otherwise inserts the appropriate number of spaces, based on the buffer's indentSize. Buffer-specific settings such as useTabs and indentSize may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties).

Default key mapping: Ctrl Tab in Java and HTML modes


Invokes j's built-in Java debugger, or, if the debugger is already running, ensures that the debugger transcript buffer is visible.

If an argument is supplied, it is passed as a command to the running instance of the debugger. For example:

        jdb restart

It is an error to use this command with an argument unless the debugger has already been started.

Default key mapping: None

See also: The Java Debugger, Debugger Commands


Displays the JDK HTML help file corresponding to the class name at the location of the caret or mouse click.

The help file is displayed in another window, splitting the current window if necessary. The help buffer can subsequently be dismissed using escape, mapped by default to Escape.

For this to work, you need to add a line to your preferences file specifying the location of the JDK documentation:


Default key mapping: Alt F1 in Java mode

See also: jdkDocPath


Runs Armed Bear Lisp embedded in the running instance of j, with interaction in a Lisp shell buffer.

Using this command to run Lisp lets you use the resulting Lisp shell to interact with the running instance of j.

If you don't need to interact with the running instance of j, you should use the lisp command instead of this one. The lisp command runs Lisp as a separate process, making it less likely that ensuing anomalies will have a detrimental impact on your editor session.

Default key mapping: None

See also: lisp


Measures the performance of the underlying Java runtime system (which is, of course, dependent on the performance of the underlying hardware). The result is displayed in the status bar.

The first measurement in a given session may be wildly inaccurate, since some just-in-time compilers wait to compile a method until the second time it is called.

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a column number and moves the caret to the specified column.

The column number can be a simple number ("123"), an arithmetic expression ("100+23"), or a positive or negative offset from the current location ("+7", "-12").

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a line number and moves the caret to the beginning of the specified line.

The line number can be a simple number ("123"), an arithmetic expression ("100+23"), or a positive or negative offset from the current location ("+7", "-12").

Default key mapping: Ctrl J


Prompts for an absolute offset (the number of characters from the start of the buffer) and moves the caret to the specified location.

The offset can be a simple number ("123"), an arithmetic expression ("100+23"), or a positive or negative offset from the current location ("+7", "-12").

Default key mapping: None

See also: offset


Replaces all whitespace under the caret, including newlines, with a single space character.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift Space in Lisp mode


Deletes the selected region (or the current line if no region is selected), appending the deleted text to the most recent entry in the kill ring.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift X


Closes the current buffer and removes it from the buffer list. If the buffer has unsaved changes, you will be prompted for confirmation before they are discarded.

Default key mapping: Ctrl W


Closes the current frame.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift W


Copies the text from the location of the caret to the end of the current line to the kill ring and then deletes that text. If the text to be deleted is nothing but whitespace, or if the caret is already at the end of the line, the following line separator is copied to the kill ring and deleted too.

Default key mapping: Ctrl K


Deletes the selected region (or the current line if no region is selected). For normal regions, the deleted text is placed in the kill ring. If the selected region is a column, the deleted text is saved but not placed in the kill ring; it can be retrieved with the command pasteColumn.

Default key mapping: Ctrl X

See also: copyRegion, Columns


If the current frame contains two edit windows, closes the current edit window, so that the other edit window fills the frame. Equivalent to otherWindow followed by unsplitWindow.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift F10

See also: unsplitWindow


Deletes the word to the left of the caret, appending the deleted text to the kill ring.

Default key mapping: None

See also: deleteWordLeft


Deletes the word to the right of the caret, appending the deleted text to the kill ring.

Default key mapping: None

See also: deleteWordRight


Moves the caret one character to the left.

Default key mapping: Left arrow key


Runs Lisp as a separate process, with interaction in a Lisp shell buffer.

By default, this command runs Armed Bear Lisp, which comes bundled with j.

If you have jpty installed, you can run a different Lisp by supplying an argument to this command. For example, on a normal Debian system, you can run SBCL (if it's installed) with Alt X, "lisp /usr/bin/sbcl".

Default key mapping: None

See also: jlisp


Finds the match of the parenthesis at the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl M in Lisp mode


Selects the syntactic expression in the vicinity of the caret. (If a region is already selected, it is extended to the enclosing syntactic expression.)

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift M in Lisp mode

See also: selectSyntax


Deprecated: Use describeBindings instead.

Default key mapping: None

See also: describeBindings


Displays the List Occurrences output buffer generated by the last invocation of findInFiles.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift L


Recursively lists all files referenced by a "#include" directive in the current buffer or in a file so referenced.

Default key mapping: None

See also: includePath, checkPath, iList


Lists all lines in the current buffer that match the last search.

Default key mapping: Ctrl L, Ctrl F3


Lists all occurrences in the current buffer of the selected text (if any) or of the word at the current location of the caret.

If text is selected on the current line, the selected text is used as the pattern for the search, and the search is carried out as if the "whole words only" option was not specified.

If there is no selection on the current line, the word at the current location of the caret is used as the pattern, and the search is carried out as if the "whole words only" option was specified.

The search is case-sensitive (in both cases).

Multi-line selections are not supported.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt L


Lists the contents of all registers in use.

Register names must be lower case letters (a-z). The contents of registers persist automatically from one j session to the next.

Default key mapping: None

Abbreviation: lr

See also: clearRegister, editRegister, insertRegister, saveToRegister


Lists the tags in the current buffer (generally speaking, a tag is a function name). Pressing Enter in the tag list will move the caret to the definition of the selected function. See Tags and Tag Files.

Default key mapping: None

See also: sidebarListTags


Loads a previously saved named session. All currently open buffers are closed before the new session is loaded.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Sessions, saveSession


Converts all upper case characters in the selected region to lower case.

Default key mapping: None

See also: upperCaseRegion


Default key mapping: None

See also: Mail


Marks for deletion the tagged messages or the message at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: 'd' in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxUndelete, Mail


Default key mapping: None

See also: Mail


Commits deletions in the current mailbox.

Default key mapping: '$' in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Toggles the "important" flag of the current message (or set of tagged messages).

Default key mapping: 'F' in Mailbox mode

See also: messageFlag, Mail


Connects to the server and retrieves any new messages (POP) or message headers (IMAP).

Default key mapping: 'G' in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Moves to the last message in the mailbox.

Default key mapping: Ctrl End in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Prompts for a pattern and limits the messages displayed in the mailbox to those matching the specified pattern.

If a simple pattern is specified, j looks for a match in the "Subject" and "From" fields.

A few special patterns are also supported:

    ~C expression       messages with expression in the "To" or "Cc" field
    ~D                  deleted messages
    ~d date1-date2      messages with date sent in the range date1-date2 (see below)
    ~F                  flagged messages
    ~N                  new messages
    ~R                  read messages
    ~T                  tagged messages
    ~t expression       messages with expression in the "To" field
    ~U                  unread messages
If the expression to be matched contains any upper case letters, the matches are exact; otherwise, case is ignored.

Dates must be in DD/MM/YY format. Month and year are optional; if omitted, they default to the current month and year. If you omit the first date and specify "-DD/MM/YY", all messages sent from the beginning of time through the specified date will be selected. If you omit the second date and specify "DD/MM/YY-", all messages sent from the specified date through the end of time will be selected. If you specify a single date with no '-', only messages sent on the specified date will be selected.

Default key mapping: 'l' (lower case 'L') in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxTagPattern, mailboxUnlimit, Mail


Marks the current message (or set of tagged messages) read.

Default key mapping: 'M' in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Marks the current message (or set of tagged messages) unread.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift M in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Moves the current message (or set of tagged messages) to the specified folder. Only supported in IMAP mailboxes.

Default key mapping: 'm' in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxSaveToFolder, Mail


Opens a message buffer to read the message at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Enter, Ctrl Shift G, Double Mouse-1, or Mouse-2 in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Saves the current message (or set of tagged messages) in the specified folder. Only supported in IMAP mailboxes.

Default key mapping: 's' in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxMoveToFolder, Mail


Stops the current background process in a mailbox buffer. Mapped to the Stop button on the toolbar in Mailbox mode.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Mail


Tags or untags the message at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: 't' in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxUntagAll, Mail


Prompts for a pattern and tags all messages that match the specified pattern.

If a simple pattern is specified, j looks for a match in the "Subject" and "From" fields.

A few special patterns are also supported:

    ~C expression       messages with expression in the "To" or "Cc" field
    ~D                  deleted messages
    ~d date1-date2      messages with date sent in the range date1-date2 (see below)
    ~F                  flagged messages
    ~N                  new messages
    ~R                  read messages
    ~t expression       messages with expression in the "To" field
    ~U                  unread messages
If the expression to be matched contains any upper case letters, the matches are exact; otherwise, case is ignored.

Dates must be in DD/MM/YY format. Month and year are optional; if omitted, they default to the current month and year. If you omit the first date and specify "-DD/MM/YY", all messages sent from the beginning of time through the specified date will be selected. If you omit the second date and specify "DD/MM/YY-", all messages sent from the specified date through the end of time will be selected. If you specify a single date with no '-', only messages sent on the specified date will be selected.

Default key mapping: Ctrl T in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxLimit, mailboxUntagAll, Mail


Toggles raw mode for messages in this mailbox. Normally, messages are displayed with only the most important headers shown, and MIME-encoded messages are decoded. In raw mode, the text of the message is displayed exactly as received.

Default key mapping: 'R' in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Undeletes the tagged messages or the message at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: 'u' in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxDelete, Mail


Cancels the limit pattern for the current mailbox, so all messages are listed.

Default key mapping: 'L' in Mailbox mode

See also: Mail


Untags all messages in the current mailbox.

Default key mapping: 'T' in Mailbox mode

See also: mailboxTag, mailboxTagPattern, Mail


Makes a tag file for the current directory. It is normally not necessary to use this command explicitly, since tag files are managed automatically. See Tags and Tag Files.

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a topic and displays the corresponding man page.

Default key mapping: None


Invokes man on the cross reference at the location of the caret or mouse click.

Default key mapping: Enter, Ctrl Shift G, Double Mouse-1, or Mouse-2 in Man mode


Marks the region from the caret position to the end of the containing sexp.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt Space in Lisp mode


Marks the current message deleted and loads the next undeleted message in the current message buffer.

Default key mapping: 'd' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Toggles the "important" flag of the current message and loads the next undeleted message in the current message buffer.

Default key mapping: 'F' in Message mode

See also: mailboxFlag, Mail


Opens a mail composition buffer to forward the current message.

Default key mapping: 'f' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Closes the current message buffer and returns to the parent mailbox.

Default key mapping: 'i' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Moves the current message to the specified folder. Currently this command is only implemented for IMAP folders.

Default key mapping: 'm' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Loads the next undeleted message in the current message buffer.

Default key mapping: 'n' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Loads the next message in the current thread into the current message buffer. Messages that are marked deleted but not yet expunged are included.

Default key mapping: 'N' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Loads the previous undeleted message in the current message buffer.

Default key mapping: 'p' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Loads the previous message in the current thread into the current message buffer. Messages that are marked deleted but not yet expunged are included.

Default key mapping: 'P' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Opens a mail composition buffer to reply to the current message. The reply is addressed to the sender and addressees of the original message.

Default key mapping: 'g' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Opens a mail composition buffer to reply to the current message. The reply is addressed to the sender of the original message.

Default key mapping: 'r' in Message mode

See also: Mail


Prompts for a filename and saves the attachment listed on the line containing the caret to the specified file.

Default key mapping: 's' in Message mode

See also: messageViewAttachment, Mail


Toggles display of full headers in message buffers.

Default key mapping: 'h' in Message mode

See also: messageToggleRaw, Mail


Toggles raw mode for the current message (and all messages in the parent mailbox). Normally, messages are displayed with only the most important headers shown, and MIME-encoded messages are decoded. In raw mode, the text of the message is displayed exactly as received.

Default key mapping: 'R' in Message mode

See also: mailboxToggleRaw, messageToggleHeaders, messageToggleWrap, Mail


Toggles word wrap for the current message. Normally, long lines in mail messages are wrapped to fit the width of the display. This command only affects the rendering of the message; the message itself is not modified.

Default key mapping: Ctrl F12 in Message mode

See also: messageToggleRaw, Mail


Opens the attachment listed on the line containing the caret.

Default key mapping: Enter or 'v' in Message mode

See also: messageSaveAttachment, Mail


Changes the mode of the current buffer. For example, Alt X, "mode diff", or Alt X, "mode lisp".

Default key mapping: None


Copies the current selection or the current sexp to the input line.

Default key mapping: Mouse-2 in Lisp shell mode


Jumps to the line in the source file corresponding to the location of the mouse click in a List Occurrences buffer.

Default key mapping: Mouse-2 or Double Mouse-1 in List Occurrences buffers

See also: findOccurrenceAtDot


Jumps to the definition of the function at the location of the mouse click. The location of the mouse click is first saved on the marker stack as a temporary bookmark, so you can use popPosition, mapped by default to Shift F5, to get back where you came from.

Default key mapping: Mouse-2 in Java, C, C++, Lisp, Scheme and Perl modes

See also: findTag, findTagAtDot, findTagAtDotOtherWindow


Moves the caret to the location of the mouse click.

Default key mapping: Mouse-1

See also: mouseSelect


If a selection is marked, the contents of the selected region are copied to the kill ring, and the region is deselected. Then the copied text is inserted at the location of the mouse click.

If no selection is marked, mousePaste is equivalent to paste at the location of the mouse click.

If the text to be inserted ends with a line separator, it is inserted above the line where the mouse click occurred, as if the mouse click were in the first column of the line, even if that is not the case. The intention behind this is to make it easy to paste whole lines of text (or blocks of lines), without having to click exactly at the beginning of the line. If possible, the indentation of the inserted lines is corrected to match their new context.

Default key mapping: None

See also: paste, cyclePaste, pasteColumn


Selects the region from the caret to the location of the mouse click, or adjusts the current selection accordingly.

Default key mapping: Mouse-1

See also: mouseMoveDotToPoint


Displays the context menu (if any) for the current buffer.

Default key mapping: Mouse-3


Moves the caret past the next unmatched closing parenthesis to the right of its current location, inserts a line separator, and indents according to context.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift ) in Java, JavaScript, C, C++ and Lisp modes

See also: insertParentheses


Creates and activates an empty buffer with no associated file.

Default key mapping: Ctrl N


Creates a new frame (top-level editor window) displaying the current buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift N


Inserts a line separator at the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Enter (global default); Ctrl Enter in JavaScript and HTML modes


Inserts a line separator at the location of the caret and indents according to context.

Default key mapping: Ctrl J globally, Enter in programming modes


Switches to the next buffer.

Default key mapping: Alt Right

See also: prevBuffer


Moves to the next group of changed lines (below the position of the caret in the current buffer).

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt N

See also: previousChange, showChangeMarks


Cycles forwards through the history of version control checkin comments.

Default key mapping: Ctrl N in version control checkin buffers

See also: previousComment, cvsCommit, svnCommit, p4Submit, finish, Version Control Systems


Jumps to the location in the source file that corresponds to the next compilation error.

Default key mapping: F4

See also: previousError, thisError, Compilation Buffers


Activates the next frame (top-level editor window).

Default key mapping: Alt N


Reports the current location of the caret as an absolute offset (the number of characters from the start of the buffer).

Default key mapping: None

See also: jumpToOffset


Sets focus to the edit control in the location bar of the current window, where you can enter a filename and press Enter to activate the corresponding buffer, if it exists, or else create and activate a new buffer for the specified file.

If the specified file is not found in the current directory, j will look for it first in the include path (if it's a .h file) and then in the source path. You can define include and source paths in your preferences file. If j can't find the file you specify, you will be asked if you want to create it.

The edit control supports both history (using the up and down arrow keys) and completion (using Tab and Shift Tab).

In addition to normal text files, you can open a directory, a .zip or .gz file, or a URL (like

If you press Enter with no text in the edit control, you will get a directory buffer on the current directory.

Default key mapping: Ctrl O

See also: Directory Buffers.


Same as openFile, but the specified file is opened in a different (possibly new) frame (top-level editor window). You will be prompted to enter the filename in a dialog box, rather than in the location bar of the current window.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift O


Same as openFile, but the specified file is opened in the other window of the current frame. The current window is split if necessary.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt O


Prompts for a URL and opens the corresponding mailbox. IMAP and POP are supported.

IMAP URLs look like this:

For example:
POP URLs look like this:
For example:
Default key mapping: None

See also: inbox, Mail


Selects the other window in the current frame.

Default key mapping: Alt O


Executes an arbitrary Perforce command. The Perforce command, together with any required flags and arguments, must be supplied as an argument to this command. You can use "%" to represent the full pathname of the file associated with the current buffer. For example:

        p4 filelog -l %


        p4 help commands

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the Perforce "add" command on the file associated with the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None


Runs the Perforce "change" command.

Default key mapping: None


Opens a diff output buffer showing the changes between your local copy of the file associated with the current buffer and the version in the Perforce repository.

Default key mapping: None


Opens a diff output buffer showing the changes between the checked-in version and your local copy for all files that are open in Perforce.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the Perforce "edit" command on the file associated with the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the Perforce command "filelog -l" on the file associated with the current buffer. The output is displayed in a transient output buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the Perforce "revert" command on the file associated with the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a checkin buffer in which you can compose a Perforce checkin comment for the default changelist (or you can use the "-c" option to specify a different numbered changelist).

When your comment is ready, you can use the command finish, mapped by default to Ctrl Enter in the checkin buffer, to complete the checkin operation.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Moves the caret down one full screen.

Default key mapping: Page Down


Moves the caret down one full screen in the other window in the same frame.

Default key mapping: Alt Page Down


Moves the caret up one full screen.

Default key mapping: Page Up


Moves the caret up one full screen in the other window in the same frame.

Default key mapping: Alt Page Up


The contents of the system clipboard (if any) are appended to the kill ring, and then the last item from the kill ring (which will be the contents of the system clipboard, if anything was there) is inserted at the current location of the caret.

If a block is marked, the inserted text replaces the marked block.

By default, if the text to be inserted ends with a line separator, it is inserted above the line containing the caret, as if the caret were in the first column of the line, even if that is not the case. The intention behind this is to make it easy to cut and paste whole lines of text (or blocks of lines), without having to move the caret to the beginning of the line. If possible, the indentation of the inserted lines is corrected to match their new context.

You can disable this behavior by setting the property autoPasteLines to false. If autoPasteLines is false, the inserted text is always placed at the exact location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl V

See also: cyclePaste, pasteColumn, mousePaste


Inserts the last killed or copied column at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: None

See also: copyRegion, killRegion, paste, Columns


Inserts the primary X selection at the current location of the caret or mouse click. This command requires Java 1.4 or later and only works on platforms that support a primary X selection (e.g. Linux).

Default key mapping: Mouse-2 (on supported platforms)


Plays back previously recorded keystrokes.

Default key mapping: F8

See also: startMacro, endMacro, recordMacro


Pops the last position off the marker stack and jumps to that location.

Default key mapping: Shift F5

See also: pushPosition


Switches to the previous buffer.

Default key mapping: Alt Left

See also: nextBuffer


Moves to the previous group of changed lines (above the position of the caret in the current buffer).

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt P

See also: nextChange, showChangeMarks


Cycles backwards through the history of version control checkin comments.

Default key mapping: Ctrl P in checkin buffers

See also: nextComment, cvsCommit, svnCommit, p4Submit, finish, Version Control Systems


Jumps to the location in the source file that corresponds to the previous compilation error.

Default key mapping: Shift F4

See also: nextError, thisError, Compilation Buffers


Prints the selected region, or the current buffer if no region is selected.

Default key mapping: Ctrl P


Invokes the Properties dialog, which lets you inspect and modify buffer-specific settings such as tab width, indent size, and mode.

Default key mapping: Alt P


Saves the current location of the caret on the marker stack as a temporary bookmark.

Default key mapping: F5

See also: popPosition


Shuts down the editor. You will be prompted for confirmation if there are any buffers with unsaved changes.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Q

See also: saveAllExit


Compiles the source file in the current buffer, using the last specified compile command. (On Windows, this command is only supported for Windows NT 4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.)

Default key mapping: Ctrl F9

See also: compile, Compilation Buffers


Records keystrokes for later playback. Recording ends when this command is invoked again. While recording is in progress, "REC" is displayed in the status bar (at the right end, after the column number).

Default key mapping: F7

See also: startMacro, endMacro, playbackMacro


Undoes the last undo.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Y

See also: undo


Reloads all configured key maps. If no custom key maps are configured, j's internal default key maps will be used. Ad hoc mappings (including mappings made in init.lisp) are discarded.

Default key mapping: None

See also: defaultKeyMaps, autoReloadKeyMaps, Key Mappings


Changes the first number in each line of the selected region so that the it is one more than the first number in the preceding line. By default, the smallest value in the entire region is used as the value for the first line. The order of the lines is not changed. Only the first number in each line is considered, and lines that don't contain a number at all are ignored.

For example, suppose you start with a region that looks like this:

        private static final int DEFUN       = 52;
        private static final int DEFVAR      = 6;
        private static final int DO          = 17;
        private static final int DOLIST      = 81; // Not 82!
        private static final int IF          = 9;
        private static final int LAMBDA      = 1;
        private static final int LET         = 3;
When invoked with no arguments, renumberRegions starts by looking at the first number in each line of the region to find the smallest value (which in this case is 1). The first number in the first line of the region (52) is replaced with this value (1), and the first number in each subsequent line is changed so that it is one more than the first number on the preceding line. So the region ends up looking like this:
        private static final int DEFUN       = 1;
        private static final int DEFVAR      = 2;
        private static final int DO          = 3;
        private static final int DOLIST      = 4; // Not 82!
        private static final int IF          = 5;
        private static final int LAMBDA      = 6;
        private static final int LET         = 7;
You can also explicitly specify what number to start with by providing a numeric argument with the command. For example, if you do Alt X, "renumberRegion 100", the region ends up looking like this:
        private static final int DEFUN       = 100;
        private static final int DEFVAR      = 101;
        private static final int DO          = 102;
        private static final int DOLIST      = 103; // Not 82!
        private static final int IF          = 104;
        private static final int LAMBDA      = 105;
        private static final int LET         = 106;

Default key mapping: None

See also: sortLines


Replaces one or more occurrences of one pattern with another.

If the "Ignore case" checkbox is checked, j tries, paradoxically, to preserve case, if possible, when it makes a replacement. More precisely, if the pattern is all upper case, j will make the replacement all upper case, and if the pattern begins with an upper case letter, j will make the replacement begin with an upper case letter. For example, if the pattern is "javaFormatter" and the replacement is "cppFormatter", "JAVAFORMATTER" will become "CPPFORMATTER", and "JavaFormatter" will become "CppFormatter". These are the only two situations in which the replacement string is altered to preserve case. Upper-case letters in the replacement string are NEVER converted to lower case. This may seem strange, but in practice, chances are good that this is the behavior you want.

If the "Whole words only" checkbox is checked, occurrences of the pattern will be replaced only if they are delimited by characters that cannot appear in a Java identifier. Generally speaking, Java identifiers can contain letters, digits, and the characters '$' and '_'.

If the "Regular expressions" checkbox is checked, the pattern will be interpreted as a regular expression rather than as a literal string. In addition, the replacement string can refer to all or part of what is matched by the pattern. "\&" in the replacement string will be replaced with the entire string that matched the pattern. "\n", where n is a digit from 1 to 9, will be replaced by whatever matched the nth parenthesized grouping in the pattern. See Regular Expressions.

For example, if you specify this pattern:

    foo\((.*), (.*)\)
and this replacement:
    foo(\2, \1)
the effect would be to reverse the order of the arguments in every call to the function foo. Note that you need to escape the literal parentheses in the pattern, but not in the replacement.

If the "Multiline pattern" checkbox is checked, both the regular expression and the replacement can contain newline characters ("\n"). Because of the way j handles things internally, a single "\n" should be used to match a newline even if the file being edited uses "\r\n" or "\r" as its line separator string. (The "Multiline pattern" feature is experimental and is not enabled by default.)

If the "Restrict changes to selected text" checkbox is checked, only those occurrences of the pattern that fall within the current selection are replaced. Otherwise, if a block is marked, replacements are carried out starting at the beginning of the marked block.

If the "Confirm changes" checkbox is checked, you will be prompted to confirm each replacement.

Default key mapping: Ctrl R


Replaces one or more occurrences of one pattern with another in multiple files. If a file matching the file specification is already loaded in a buffer, the operation is performed on the contents of the buffer rather than the file as last saved on disk, so unsaved changes to the buffer are never lost. Files that were not previously loaded are saved automatically if any replacements are made. Buffers created specifically for the replace in files operation are deleted when they are no longer needed.

Several file specifications can be supplied at once, separated by semicolons. If the full path is not given in a file specification, the current directory or the directory last specified by a full path is used.

For example, if the file specification is *.c;/usr/src/emacs-20.3/src/*.c;*.h, the search will examine .c files in the current directory and .c and .h files in /usr/src/emacs-20.3/src.

If the "Ignore case" checkbox is checked, j tries, paradoxically, to preserve case, if possible, when it makes a replacement. More precisely, if the pattern is all upper case, j will make the replacement all upper case, and if the pattern begins with an upper case letter, j will make the replacement begin with an upper case letter. For example, if the pattern is "javaFormatter" and the replacement is "cppFormatter", "JAVAFORMATTER" will become "CPPFORMATTER", and "JavaFormatter" will become "CppFormatter". These are the only two situations in which the replacement string is altered to preserve case. Upper-case letters in the replacement string are NEVER converted to lower case. This may seem strange, but in practice, chances are good that this is the behavior you want.

If the "Whole words only" checkbox is checked, occurrences of the pattern will be replaced only if they are delimited by characters that cannot appear in a Java identifier. Generally speaking, Java identifiers can contain letters, digits, and the characters '$' and '_'.

If the "Regular expressions" checkbox is checked, the pattern is interpreted as a regular expression rather than as a literal string. In addition, the replacement string can refer to all or part of what is matched by the pattern. "\&" in the replacement string will be replaced with the entire string that matched the pattern. "\n", where n is a digit from 1 to 9, will be replaced by whatever matched the nth parenthesized grouping in the pattern. See Regular Expressions.

For example, if you specify this pattern:

        foo\((.*), (.*)\)
and this replacement:
        foo(\2, \1)
the effect is to reverse the order of the arguments in every call to the function foo. Note that you need to escape the literal parentheses in the pattern, but not in the replacement string.

If the "Confirm changes" checkbox is checked, you will be prompted to confirm each replacement.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift R

See also: findInFiles, replace


Resets and repaints all edit windows.

Default key mapping: None


Resets the current Lisp shell so that it returns to the outermost read-eval- print loop.

This command works with Lisp shells running CMUCL, SBCL, CLISP, Allegro Common Lisp, or j's built-in Lisp.

Default key mapping: Ctrl R in Lisp Shell mode


Reloads the current buffer. If the buffer has unsaved changes, you will be prompted for confirmation before they are discarded.

Default key mapping: None


Moves the caret one character to the right.

Default key mapping: Right arrow key


Saves the current buffer, if it has been modified. If it's a new buffer, saveAs is invoked so you can provide a filename.

Default key mapping: Ctrl S


Saves all modified buffers. saveAs is invoked for new buffers so you can provide filenames if necessary.

Default key mapping: F2


Saves all modified buffers and shuts down the editor. saveAs is invoked for new buffers so you can provide filenames if necessary.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift Q

See also: quit


Saves the current buffer under a new name. The file (if any) that was previously associated with the buffer is not deleted, but the buffer is henceforth associated with the new file. The buffer's mode is changed, if necessary, to match the new filename.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift S


Saves a copy of the current buffer under a new name. The buffer continues to be associated with its original file.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt S


Saves information about the current editing session in the active named session file.

If no named session is active, you will be prompted for a name for the current session.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Sessions, loadSession, autosaveNamedSessions


Prompts for a register name and saves the selected region in the specified register.

Register names must be lower case letters (a-z). The contents of registers persist automatically from one j session to the next.

Default key mapping: None

Abbreviation: sr

See also: clearRegister, editRegister, insertRegister listRegisters


Selects the entire buffer. The current location of the caret is first saved on the marker stack as a temporary bookmark, so you can use popPosition, mapped by default to Shift F5, to get back where you came from.

Default key mapping: Ctrl A


Extends the selection to the beginning of the buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift Home


Extends the selection down one line.

Default key mapping: Shift down arrow


Extends the selection to the end of the current line.

Default key mapping: Shift End


Extends the selection to the end of the buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift End


Extends the selection to the beginning of the current line.

Default key mapping: Shift Home


Extends the selection one character to the left.

Default key mapping: Shift Left


Extends the selection down one full screen.

Default key mapping: Shift Page Down


Extends the selection up one full screen.

Default key mapping: Shift Page Up


Extends the selection one character to the right.

Default key mapping: Shift Right


Selects the syntactic expression in the vicinity of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift M

See also: lispSelectSyntax


Selects the region from the current location of the caret to the specified marker (bookmark).

Default key mapping: None

See also: dropBookmark, gotoBookmark, selectToTemporaryMarker


Selects the region from the current location of the caret to the temporary marker.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift \

See also: dropTemporaryMarker, gotoTemporaryMarker, selectToMarker


Extends the selection up one line.

Default key mapping: Shift up arrow


Selects the word at the location of the caret or mouse click.

Default key mapping: Alt W or Double Mouse-1


Extends the selection to the left by one word.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift Left


Extends the selection to the right by one word.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift Right


In a mail composition buffer, sends the current message.

Default key mapping: None.

See also: Mail


Goes back to the previous field in the header area of a mail composition buffer.

Default key mapping: Shift Tab in mail composition buffers

See also: sendMailTab, Mail


Advances to the next field in the header area of a mail composition buffer.

Default key mapping: Tab in mail composition buffers

See also: sendMailBackTab, Mail


Sets the character encoding to be used when the current buffer is saved. The encoding name that you specify (e.g. "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UnicodeBig", etc.) must be supported by the version of Java that you're using; the string is not case-sensitive.

Java recognizes both canonical names and aliases for a variety of encodings, and to make things more interesting, there are significant variations in this area among the different versions of Java. More information from the perspective of Java 1.4 is available here:

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a shell command and then executes that command using /bin/sh. The output of the command (if any) is presented in a transient output buffer.

The specified shell command is executed in the editor's current directory, which is normally the parent directory of the file associated with the current buffer, or the user's home directory if the current file is remote or if there is no file associated with the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None


In a shell buffer, if a selection is marked, clears it. Otherwise, if the caret is on the command line, clears any text past the end of the command prompt and moves the caret to the end of the prompt.

Default key mapping: Escape in Shell mode


In a shell buffer, if the current line begins with a prompt, and if the caret is to the right of the prompt, moves the caret to the end of prompt. Otherwise, moves the caret to the beginning of the current line.

Default key mapping: Home in Shell mode


Retrieves the next command from input history in a shell buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl N in Shell mode

See also: shellPreviousInput


Moves the caret to the next prompt in a shell buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt N in Shell mode

See also: shellPreviousPrompt


Retrieves the previous command from input history in a shell buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl P in Shell mode

See also: shellNextInput


Moves the caret to the previous prompt in a shell buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt P in Shell mode

See also: shellNextPrompt


Completes pending input.

Default key mapping: Tab in Shell mode


Reduces the size of a split window to the height of the buffer if the buffer is smaller than the current split window size.

Default key mapping: None

See also: enlargeWindow


Displays the current compiler or XML parser error message.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt M

See also: xmlParseBuffer, xmlValidateBuffer


Displays (and sets keyboard focus to) the sidebar buffer list.

Default key mapping: Alt B


Displays (and sets keyboard focus to) the sidebar tag list, if the current buffer supports tags.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift T


Moves all text in the marked region indentSize columns to the right. indentSize is a buffer-specific setting and may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties).

Default key mapping: Alt ]


Moves all text in the marked region indentSize columns to the left. indentSize is a buffer-specific setting and may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties).

Default key mapping: Alt [


Sorts the lines in the selected region in ascending lexicographic order, based on the Unicode value of the characters in each line.

Default key mapping: None


Finds the source of the Java class at the current location of the caret.

You can also use executeCommand and specify the name of the class along with the command:

        source javax.swing.JFrame
If the class is properly imported in the current buffer, the simple name is enough:
        source JFrame

For this command to work properly, you need to specify the location of the JDK source on your system by adding a line like this to your preferences file:

        jdkSourcePath = /home/peter/sun/j2sdk1.4.0/src
Default key mapping: Ctrl F1 in Java mode

See also: jdkSourcePath


Splits the current window horizontally. Only one split per frame is currently supported.

Default key mapping: F10


Inserts the current date and time at the location of the caret.

The format of the inserted string is controlled by the stampFormat property.

Default key mapping: Shift F2


Records keystrokes for later playback. Recording ends when the endMacro command is invoked. While recording is in progress, "REC" is displayed in the status bar (at the right end, after the column number).

Default key mapping: None

See also: endMacro, recordMacro, playbackMacro


Executes an arbitrary Subversion command. The svn command, together with any required flags and arguments, must be supplied as an argument to this command. You can use "%" to represent the full pathname of the file associated with the current buffer. For example:

        svn proplist %


        svn diff --cl foo

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the svn "add" command on the file associated with the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None


Runs the svn "changelist" command. If an argument is given, the current file is placed into the changelist named by the argument. If no argument is given, the changelist is removed from it's current changelist, if any.

Note: svn version 1.5 is required for this command.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a checkin buffer in which you can compose a svn checkin comment for the file associated with the current buffer. You may checkin an entire changelist by passing the arguments "--cl foo" where 'foo' is the name of the changelist.

When your comment is ready, you can use the command finish, mapped by default to Ctrl Enter in the checkin buffer, to complete the checkin operation.

The file associated with the current buffer must already have been registered with svn using svnAdd or the svn "add" command.

Default key mapping: None

See also: svnChangeList, Version Control Systems


Opens a diff output buffer showing the changes between your local copy of the file associated with the current buffer and the version in the Perforce repository.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a diff output buffer showing the changes between the checked-in version and your local copy for all files that are modified in svn.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the svn "log" command on the file associated with the current buffer. The output is displayed in a transient output buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Runs the svn "revert" command on the file associated with the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


Opens a status output buffer showing the changes between the checked-in version and your local copy for all the files in the current directory and its subdirectories. In the status output buffer, Enter will open a diff on the file for the current line and Ctrl Enter will open the file.

Default key mapping: None

See also: Version Control Systems


If a multi-line region is selected, or if the property tabAlwaysIndent is true, this command simply calls indentLineOrRegion.

Otherwise (i.e. no multi-line selection, tabAlwaysIndent is false), the behavior depends on the location of the caret.

If the caret is at the very beginning of the text on the line, or in the whitespace to the left of the text, tab calls indentLine. If the caret is in the midst of the actual text on the line, tab inserts either a single tab character or the equivalent number of spaces, depending on the setting of the useTabs property.

Default key mapping: Tab (in programming modes)

See also: insertTab


Closes the current temporary output buffer and (if applicable) its window.

Default key mapping: 'q' in most temporary output buffers


Jumps to the location in the source file that corresponds to the error message at the current location in the compilation buffer.

Default key mapping: Enter, Ctrl Shift G, Double Mouse-1 or Mouse-2 in compilation buffers

See also: nextError, previousError, Compilation Buffers


Moves the line containing the caret to the center of the window.

Default key mapping: Ctrl -


Toggles the grouping of entries by thread in the current mailbox.

Default key mapping: None


Toggles the sidebar.

Default key mapping: Alt =


Toggles automatic word wrap in the current buffer. When automatic wrap is on, j automatically wraps long lines as you type them, when your caret advances past the wrap column.

Default key mapping: Ctrl F12

See also: wrapCol, wrapParagraph, wrapRegion


Moves the caret to the top line of the display, keeping it in the same column.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Page Up


Moves the line containing the caret to the top of the window.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift -


Uncomments each line in the selected region, or the current line if no region is selected.

Default key mapping: Shift F11

See also: commentRegion


Undoes the last editing action or actions. Generally speaking, movement within the buffer and simple edits on the same line are grouped for the purposes of undo.

If you undo through a save, the file saved on disk will not be affected by the undo.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Z, Alt Backspace

See also: redo


Unfolds the current fold.

Default key mapping: Ctrl ] in Java, C, C++ and Perl modes

See also: fold


Unfolds all the folds in the current buffer.

Default key mapping: None

See also: fold


Makes the current window fill its frame, closing the other window in the current frame.

Default key mapping: Shift F10


Removes line breaks from the current paragraph, making it into one lone line.

Default key mapping: Shift F12

See also: wrapParagraph


Moves the caret up one line.

Default key mapping: Up arrow


Converts all upper case characters in the selected region to lower case.

Default key mapping: None

See also: lowerCaseRegion


Toggles the visibility of tab characters in the buffer. By default, tabs are not visible, and are displayed using the appropriate number of space characters, as you would expect. When you turn on visible tabs, tab characters are indicated by the character '^'.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Alt T


Displays decimal, hex and character equivalents for the character at the current location of the caret.

Default key mapping: None


Displays information about the keys mapped to a particular command.

Default key mapping: None


Moves the window down one line (so that the text seems to move up one line), without changing the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Down


Moves the window up one line (so that the text seems to move down one line), without changing the location of the caret.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Up


Moves the caret to the beginning of the current word, or, if the caret is already at the beginning of the current word, to the beginning of the previous word.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Left


Moves the caret to the beginning of the next word.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Right


Wraps all the lines in the current multi-line comment at the wrap column, which by default is column 80. The wrap column is controlled by the property wrapCol, which is a buffer-specific setting that may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties). You can set global and mode-specific defaults for wrapCol in your preferences file.

Default key mapping: F12 in Java, Lisp, C, C++ and Perl modes

See also: wrapParagraph, wrapRegion


Wraps all the lines in the current paragraph at the wrap column, which by default is column 80. The wrap column is controlled by the property wrapCol, which is a buffer-specific setting that may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties). You can set global and mode-specific defaults for wrapCol in your preferences file.

A paragraph is basically defined as a block of contiguous lines with blank lines before and after it. To make the definition a bit more flexible, a line starting with <p>, <br> or <pre> is recognized as the first line of a paragraph, even if the line before it is not blank. Similarly, a line ending with <p>, </p>, <br> or </pre> is recognized as the last line of a paragraph, even if the line after it is not blank.

This function does not move the caret, so you can reformat the paragraph and immediately continue typing right where you left off.

Default key mapping: F12

See also: unwrapParagraph, wrapComment, wrapRegion


Calls wrapParagraph on all the paragraphs in the selected region (or on all the paragraphs in the buffer if no region is selected).

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift F12 in plain text and mail composition buffers

See also: wrapParagraph, wrapRegion


Wraps all the lines in the selected region at the wrap column, which by default is column 80. The wrap column is controlled by the property wrapCol, which is a buffer-specific setting that may be inspected and modified in the Properties dialog (see properties). You can set global and mode-specific defaults for wrapCol in your preferences file.

Default key mapping: None

See also: wrapComment, wrapParagraph


Prompts for a filename and writes out the current global key map to the specifed file, in human-readable form.

Default key mapping: None


Prompts for a filename and writes out the local key map for the current buffer to the specifed file, in human-readable form. The local key map supplements (and possible overrides) global key assignments, based on the mode (Java, HTML, etc.) of the buffer.

Default key mapping: None


Inserts '=' at the current location of the caret.

In XML mode, if the '=' immediately follows an attribute name, and if the character following the '=' is either whitespace or '>', this command inserts a pair of double quotation marks after the '=' and positions the caret between the quotation marks.

The effect of this is to make it possible to enclose attribute values in quotation marks without having to type the quotation marks themselves.

Default key mapping: '=' in XML mode

See also: htmlElectricEquals


Inserts '/' at the current location of the caret.

In XML mode, if the '/' immediately follows '<', and if there is an unmatched start tag before the current location of the caret, the corresponding end tag is automatically inserted. The line is then automatically re-indented if autoIndent is true for the current buffer.

Default key mapping: '/' in XML mode


In XML mode, if XML parser support is available and the document tree is displayed in the sidebar, forces the tree to expand all the way down to the node corresponding to the location of the caret in the edit buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl = in XML mode

See also: XML Mode


Finds the match to the XML tag at the location of the caret. Nested tags are handled correctly.

Default key mapping: Ctrl M in XML mode


Inserts an XML empty element tag.

If the property XmlMode.fixCase is true, the tag name is converted to the preferred case (as specified by XmlMode.upperCaseTagNames) when it is inserted in the buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift . (Ctrl Shift period) in XML mode


If there is an unmatched start tag before the current location of the caret, automatically inserts the corresponding end tag.

Default key mapping: Ctrl E in XML mode


Inserts an XML start tag and the corresponding end tag, enclosing the current selection. If no selection is marked, the start and end tags enclose the word at the current location of the caret, if any.

If the property XmlMode.fixCase is true, the tag name is converted to the preferred case (as specified by XmlMode.upperCaseTagNames) when it is inserted in the buffer.

Default key mapping: Ctrl Shift , (Ctrl Shift comma) in XML mode


In XML mode, parses the current buffer. If the operation succeeds, the document tree in the sidebar is updated.

If there are errors or warnings, the parser's error messages are displayed in a transient output buffer. You can use the commands nextError, previousError and thisError to jump to the location of each error in the source.

Default key mapping: Ctrl P in XML mode

See also: xmlValidateBuffer, XML Mode, enableTree, org.xml.sax.driver, Compilation Buffers


In XML mode, validates the current buffer.

If there are errors or warnings, the parser's error messages are displayed in a transient output buffer. You can use the commands nextError, previousError and thisError to jump to the location of each error in the source.

Default key mapping: None

See also: xmlParseBuffer, XML Mode, enableTree, org.xml.sax.driver, Compilation Buffers